
How to change google account password ?

1.Search for "Google account settings" and then click on "My Account Google"

2.Login with your current User name and Password

3.Click on "Signing in to Google"

4.Under a subject "Password & sign-in method" click on "Password" like a picture below

5. Please confirm your password again.

6. Confirm your new password  and then click on "CHANGE PASSWORD" Bottom

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Birthday E-Cards - The Popular Way of Sending Your Birthday Greetings

One of the most popular types of greeting card is birthday cards. As a matter of fact, there are about thousands of cards being mailed daily. These cards are purchased at bookstores or grocery stores. 

Traditional types of birthday cards have become expensive to mail. The price of cards is ranging from 4 to 10 dollars depending on the manufacturer. In addition to this, the sender also needs to shoulder the varying cost of the mailing services. 

Most of the time, many people are getting caught up with their busy schedules and forget to buy birthday cards before the occasion. As a result, people tend to send their birthday greetings and wishes much later than the actual birth day. Fortunately, there are other options people may consider to overcome these hindrances. 

Birthday electronic card, also known as e-card, is the solution to the mentioned issue. These e-cards can help you send the birthday wishes on time and hassle-free. They can be sent to the email address of your recipient. 

Today, many people choose to send e-cards rather than traditional cards as they can be sent with utmost convenience. You do not have to go out from the comfort of your home just to buy and send a card. You can do it with just a click of the mouse. All you need is computer and internet connection. In addition, many greeting websites offer electronic birthday cards for free. This means you do not have to worry about the cost as you send birthday greetings. How convenient! 

You can also send birthday wishes through your phone. Yes, I am talking about text messaging. In a form of text, you can send the birthday e-card to the mobile phone of your recipient. 

But if you are worrying about the appearance of the birthday card, you need not to worry anymore. Most of the birthday greetings online are formed just like the traditional ones. They also have picture on the cover and you can enter personal or special messages on the insides. These cards are known as mobile e-cards. As sender, you will need a cell phone to send your birthday wishes to your recipient. 

There are wide array of e-cards online. You can choose from wide varieties of designs, styles and themes. You can even personalize them the way you want them to be. You may add images, sounds and videos to your card. You can also choose the style of the card, whether it is humorous, professional or sentimental. Thus, you can send funny or humorous electronic card to a family or friend and professional ones for co-workers. 

With birthday e-cards, you do not have to worry about the hassle of sending traditional cards. You can now send your birthday greetings hassle-free and at no cost.

Credit : http://www.articlecity.com/

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The best 3D animation software

Realism is the key for that rising demand with 3D animation. This is the challenging technology designed for prospective artists and for professional animators alike to cultivate new editions and versions in the existing 3D cartoon programs. The frames within the models and the shots are sometimes simple, but the action or the movements within the characters is the location where the creativity and skills of the animator comes inside. 

In 3D pc animation, visual styling are probably the categories that need be considered. Over the ages there has always been a confrontation involving two ideologies: paintings for art’s cause and art for human upliftment. 3D animation is also a creative art form predominant in these details age marked by way of numerous inventions. Technological advancement can be a major catalyst for the ideology of art for upliftment. 3D animation is a perfect amalgamation associated with both. 

3D animation encapsulates a essence of art work its dynamic and ever evolving nature should make it a potent education represent paintings, drawing in addition to sculptures. This form of art challenges the creative along with the intellectual streak inside the artist. The artist now fails to only use the standard means but boasts to show scientific intelligence. 

This investigation involves an intricate software understanding and computer animation. The form of art is so immaculate that you need to draw, paint and model the plan within the dominion of 3D computer animation. Lighting, cinematography, colour pallette, textures, sound synchronisation, shade providing, contrasts and animation are examples of the other requirements to be a professional 3D animator. The first step as being a 3D animator can be that aspirants ought to understand to help make an animation on needs to literally sculpt a model along with the technological strokes together with bring the inanimate matter someone's. Taking or withdrawing elements from the model one may need to judge the inspiring work from different vantage points. a model in 3d animation usually gets under way with 2D photographs which presents this model from different angels. 

To create some sequence of animation one has to make a detailed view within the model in the format of drawings, scripts and transitions. Tools play a major role in that creative process but it does not abrogate creativity from the work of genius, for a still renders animation aspirant, determination is a only tool in addition to nothing even technological dependence on any sort usually requires away quality in the creation. 

The procedure of acquiring 3D animation techniques could be the creation of a backdrop, the placed designing, the identity modelling, the computer animation, cameras, recording, music compositions and specialized effects. The module within the study of a 3D animation contains 3D modelling, a model in 3d prototypes, Character animation, Special effects, architectural improvisations and engineering technicalities. This creative field demands its aspirants to be immaculate in this tricks of animation which include JPEG, GIF, TIFF, TGA and PNG extendable. Holistically, 3D animation usually requires the creator to have an aesthetic taste from the placement of the model. 3D animation brings to our life all static images and is the foundation for the brand image on the institution lest one looses people interest. 3D animation if excessive can be tedious for this viewer and skilled 3D animators need to understand and identify the viewer’s type of equilibrium.

Credit : http://www.articlecity.com/
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Benifit of MS SQL Server


MS SQL server is a computer application that offers advanced relational database management services to the enterprises. Few of the essential points that make it part of an advantageous Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) proposition can be given as: 

• Offers complete data solution from data mining to data analysis

• Compliments to existing applications stored on a hosting server

• Offers complete security of records

• Offers protection against frequent crash downs

• Makes hosting services more efficient

• Evenly allocates computing resources

• Offers complete data solution from data mining to data analysis

MS SQL server produced by Microsoft has brought limitless possibilities to the enterprising solutions available for today’s business. This enterprise level database management server from Microsoft has undergone many changes over the years to evolve in its present form. Normally a small or micro enterprise has to face challenges in the areas of execution, lack of lucidity in organizational and professional maneuver. Because of unanalyzed data or unevaluated records, a company finds it difficult to gauge the pace of work. Similarly it is also difficult to record the progress of a team working on a project and the status details of the supervisor or administrator monitoring the entire project.

In today’s world the volume of data is piling up in leaps and bounds and managing them efficiently is becoming quite a challenge for the companies. A company has to search through voluminous data while looking for certain information. This task which is also known as data-mining is a tedious and time consuming task. MS SQL server helps in great deal in the data mining for records. SQL server caters to the needs of multi-users. It allocates available resources among the users without compromising on the hardware efficiency.

• Offers complete security of records

In many cases the security of certain information or resources is also at risk. For any enterprise security of various types of data such as audio, video or graphical is very important. For beginners or entrepreneurs security of data can be absolutely critical and data stored in application other than MS SQL server, security can be breached with a little effort. A person wishing to access or copy the content from databases just needs to gain access of the hard drive. Once gotten the access, all data can be easily copied.

But in SQL server security can be provisioned in three different levels. One level is at the operating system level, the second is at the database level and the third level of security is at the file level. User can prevent unauthorized access at all three levels. Even after gaining the access, it is not easy for the defaulters to copy the data as data copying may also be restricted. This facility is not available in other software applications as available in SQL server.

SQL server ranks high over other applications because of its reliability and high security features also. It offers the users with the flexibility to encrypt certain data, whole database or log files as desired. It also offers the users with an option of defining the policies which relate in some way to the data. A user company can define the type of access granted to its team members, granting of permission to copy or replicate the data etc. A user is intimated upon the violation of such policies by the hosting service provider. The user can also restrict its team members by defining the action to be taken on policy violation.

• Compliments to existing applications stored on a hosting server

The benefits of SQL server can be efficiently availed with the help of third party hosting. This application can be installed on a server run and hosted by hosting service providers. These providers designate the level of security to be entrusted upon the users of such applications. Seeking the services for installing and using SQL server is also good on account of the other services offered by hosting service providers. Offering complete computing services such as replication of basic to advanced applications, operating systems, hard drives, memory etc are all taken care of by the service providers.

A user just needs a basic computer with an internet connection and rest of everything from computing hardware to required software, everything is provided by the hosting service provider. With a minimum investment based on monthly or yearly subscription, a user is offered the support of computer loaded with latest features and hardware. One can purchase an application and ask its service providers to get the application installed on the hosting server. The space allotted to store the data of the users, is virtually limitless. When the SQL server is installed on this hosting server, it becomes easy for the application to fetch, analyze, regulate the response for certain records or data stored in its hard drive.

• Offers protection against frequent crash downs

Normally a server catering to multi-users faces the risk of hanging up or crashing down during the request execution process. SQL server protects the users from such crashes by regulating resource supply to nodes from which there is excessive demand for the data. Though the record fetching to such demanding nodes may be a bit slower but it will not crash and this is one of the great features of a SQL server. It effortlessly offers simultaneous use of same data from two or more users.

• Makes hosting services more efficient

Besides the security there is a huge volume of data to be accessed, referred and arranged in so many ways to deduce certain results or to reach to certain conclusion. SQL server application is a great tool to transform a small and medium enterprise into an efficient enterprise.

Now more and more users are switching to MS SQL server which makes it a better choice for the companies. This is simply because the user community of this server is very resourceful and a user can find the solution for its problem by sneaking into any such online community. Besides the online communities, Microsoft also provides free training sessions on usage of these servers.

• Evenly allocates computing resources

MS SQL also offers buffers management feature wherein a list of records frequently sought are stored in the buffer memory (known as cache memory). Hosting this application server along with other applications on a hosting server provided by a hosting service provider is advantageous for a user in many ways. As Hosting service providers offer higher cache memory which makes it easier to store good amount of records on buffer memory rather than storing them on hard drives. Accessing these records is comparatively less time consuming.

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PSD to HTML conversion is so important

Today PSD to HTML and PSD to XHTML play very significant and critical role in web design and web development. Success and failure of any website or web application can also sometimes depend on these basic PSD to XHTML/CSS conversions. If your XHTML code is not perfect or not up to the mark users will move on to other service provider or may be to your competitor. As web design is important as it shows your customers first impression so its XHTML code to search engines like google and yahoo and not to forget even to your customers. If your site does not look good on your customer’s browser, you could lose a customer forever and even sale. 

There are many tools which automate your PSD to XHTML conversion, but so far none of them could produce good results why? As no tool can read your design, these tools can’t understand importance of HTML tags and parts of your design that can be one of the critical things that search engines may see. It’s always recommended to go for manual PSD to HTML conversion services.Today we even saw automated PSD to Wordpress converters and we did tested one of them and it gave us worst code. 

PSD to HTML conversion services are low cost services like $45 for index page and $25 or 50% for each inner page. You don’t redesign your website every day, do you? So this small investment can bring down your SEO cost if done in proper way. Your XHTML code should be valid and more importantly should be search engine friendly, should be all latest and one step down browser compatible. Should have proper comments and CSS should be in separate files, all java script should be in separate files, your code should be neat and easy to understand. There should be no unwanted code or unwanted CSS. Your page loading should be very less and this can be only when your code is perfect. Your page loading has major role to play in search engines, SEO and more to your sales. If your page takes longer to download due to bad coding, your customer will not wait he will move on. 

There are number of companies like Convert2xhtml.com which provide low cost high quality PSD to CSS/HTML conversion services. Remember as site owner or designer your job is not just to go online with best design, it has be to best coded as well. If you ignore this at starting stage you will have to pay a lot in terms of SEO, sales, customers and one or other day come back to recode and pay more then what you would have paid initially. Your XHTML code speaks to your customers and it speaks to search engines. It acts like sales person for you and you know a bad sales person not only loses sale for your site but results in customer lost as well. When you select any PSD to HTML Conversion Company like convert2xhtml give them proper details make sure you and Conversion Company are on same track. Don’t rush, as its just initial phase a small delay in coding is acceptable then fast coding with hidden issues.
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The New Google Algorithm Farmer- Do you know ?

It's official! While there has been talk of an upcoming algorithm change from Google for at least a couple of months, these past couple of weeks saw a definite change in the way that Google ranks those sites on the web vying for top placement in its listings. So what is the big news? This algorithm specifically went after content farms and in addition to a broad extent low quality sites that have been gaming the system for higher rankings. Since the algorithm targeted content farmers, this algorithm has been nicknamed The Farmer.


If you read our recent article: "Google Moving Against Content Farms- What Does This Mean for SEO?" You probably were already on the look-out for the coming algorithm change. Now that the algorithm has taken effect, the SEO/SEM community definitely knows a little bit more about it, however there are still a few things that require more research and information. 

Who Was Targeted by the Farmer Algorithm? 

This algorithm change which took effect since late February is said to have affected between 11% and 12% of the search queries in the United States. As of the moment, it is not sure when the algorithm will affect other regions in the world. 

Some of the major website properties that were affected included article distribution sites, aggregated content sites (those sites that republish original content from others), sites that mostly sell products with little or no content associated with them, and in general sites that don't have unique or high quality content. Generally speaking, if a website's goal is to monetize content that is not original or high quality, then it is likely that the site has been targeted by Google. 

Who Has Benefited from the Farmer Algorithm? 

Generally speaking, those sites that have or will benefit from this algorithm will be sites that create unique, high quality content. Obviously, white hat SEO always included creating high quality, unique content as a prerequisite for obtaining long term quality results, this fact hasn't changed. 

Tips for SEO/SEM to Avoid the Wrath of Farmer 

If you noticed a sudden drop in the Search engine result pages or if you want to avoid a sudden drop in the future, here are some tips that should help you avoid the raft of the Farmer algorithm. 

Make sure that the vast majority of content that you post on your website is unique and original. Obviously, you may have to post product descriptions or technical specs that come from a manufacturer, however when possible, create original and unique content in addition to this republished content. 

Consider using the Original Source meta tag from Google: meta name="original-source" content=http://www.somedomain.com/article1.html More information at:http://www.google.com/support/news_pub/bin/answer.py?answer=191283 

This meta tag directly tells Google that the content you have on your site is original- this way if someone plagiarizes your content or duplicates it in anyway, Google will know the original source and you should get all the credit from Google. 

Another good tool to checkout is at www.copyscape.com This tool will scan the net looking for duplicate content so that you can identify specific pages on your website that need to be re-written so they are 100% unique. 

Be choosy with the type of articles that you distribute. It should be noted that while Google has targeted many article distribution sites, you will not be penalized for having your content on these sites- the more likely possibility will be these back links will have less power and thus be less effective- so there is no need to remove any of your content from these sites. 

Be careful how you monetize your content. Obviously, those that heavily advertise on their site will receive extra scrutiny from Google. If you use content to lure traffic for monetization, definitely use unique content and do not rely solely on aggregated/republished content. 

Obviously, the Farmer algorithm has only been out for a couple of weeks, so SEO/SEM professionals are still researching its broad effects. As always, we'll keep you updated as well if we find important information.

CREDIT : www.articlecity.com
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Scan and fix registry on your computer using related cleaner software

Whenever you use your PC, it either reads or inserts entry onto a particular spot in its system. Overtime, this process can accumulate and cause some problems which are hard to ignore. It's because of this why you regularly have to scan and fix registry of your PC using related cleaner software. Continue reading to learn more about this. I will also be discussing a top quality registry cleaner software that speed up my PC quickly. 

The computer has to remember a lot of things - hardware attached, selected system options, applications around, etc. Each time you use it, it has to go through all of these entries. However, there may also be invalid, missing or double entries. Such can be caused by anything from removing a hardware previously attached, to deleting a file or program. 

When such happens, you will notice that the PC will begin to work a lot slower than before. Although it goes through all these entries in a very fast manner, still it may take some time if there's too much to read. Eventually, you will also notice certain programs will refuse to run, and system crashes will surface more frequently. 

Of course you can always take your computer to an expert to have all unnecessary entries removed. However, it may come with a steep price tag. What's more, it's supposed to be done periodically to keep your computer in tip-top shape. Doing it on your own is definitely not recommendable, as you can even cause some irreversible damages. 

What you can do is to install and run registry cleaner software. This will automatically examine each of the entries made from day one. It removes safely and effectively those which are already invalid, missing or were recorded twice. This is a much safer way for you to do so, instead of attempting to manually remove entries which can cause the PC problems. 

You may scan and fix registry using free software you may find online. In downloading them, carefully read the system requirements so you're installing something that will work best for your computer. Also, see to it you get one from a reputable website. There are also those which you may purchase, often with other useful tools. I personally managed to clean up my computer by downloading high quality registry cleaner software.
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